November 2015 Issue



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Subscribe FREE now! Monthly issues with new articles and other educational information on meat goat health, nutrition, and management written by Suzanne W. Gasparotto of Onion Creek Ranch and Pat Cotten of Bending Tree Ranch. In all cases, it is your responsibility to obtain veterinary services and advice before using any of the information provided in these articles. Neither Suzanne Gasparotto nor Pat Cotten are veterinarians. None of the contributors to this website will be held responsible for the use of any information contained herein.


Goat Camp™ 2016

Taking reservations for
Goat Camp™ 2016
Oct 24-27, 2016
Click Here for more info...


GoatCamp™ 2015 Held at Onion Creek Ranch in Texas

The 14th annual GoatCamp™ was held at Onion Creek Ranch in Texas during October 2015. Students came from Wisconsin, Florida, California, Ohio, Arkansas, New Jersey, Louisiana, South Carolina, Georgia, Utah, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Jeffers livestock, equine, and pet supply in Alabama (1-800-533-3377) once again provided students with essential supplies like weak kid syringes, digital rectal thermometers, electrolytes, and adjustable lead halters. Jeffers is a long-time sponsor of GoatCamp™ and the best place from which to buy non-prescription goat, dog, and other animal supplies. They are a family-owned operation and great people.

On Monday, October 26, 2015, Bob Glass of Pan American Vet Lab in Hutto, Texas explained blood testing for several different diseases and demonstrated how to draw blood from a goat. Dale Weise of Texas Vet Lab in San Angelo, Texas spoke about his company's development and US Government approval in 2012 of the first vaccine for CL in goats.

Tuesday's presentation was given by Dr. Jim Miller, parasitologist at Louisiana State University. Dr. Miller gave a thorough overview of internal parasites and performed fecal counts under microscopes for students to view. Dr. Miller also provided FAMACHA training and certification for students.

Kent Mills, livestock nutritionist with HiPro Feeds, taught goat nutrition on Wednesday of GoatCamp™ week. Nutrition is the hardest thing to get right in any managed herd.

Thursday's instruction began with my vet, Dr. Mark Swening of the Coleman, Texas Veterinary Clinic performing a necropsy on a 12 year old TexMaster™ buck who had a broken shoulder. Dan Byfield of American Stewards of Liberty closed out GoatCamp™ by bringing us up to date on private property rights issues as they affect Americans in general and goat ranchers in particular.

Throughout the four days of GoatCamp™ Pat Cotten of Bending Tree Ranch in Arkansas provided hands-on training to students using Onion Creek Ranch's goats. Ear tagging, tattooing, stomach tubing, clean catch collecting of goat pills for fecal examination, hoof trimming, checking for urinary calculi by examining the pizzles of bucks and wethers, proper injection procedures, goat restraints, blood draws, and catching and handling goats safely were demonstrated.

The classes that I taught emphasized the importance of learning to THINK LIKE A GOAT and how to apply that knowledge to benefit your goat-raising activities.

Staff members Carol Mathews (returning for her sixth year), Tom Thornton (his eleventh year), and Interns Ramona Eckstrand and Ginger Thornton did a great job of keeping GoatCamp™ functioning.

Evelyn Martin offered her goat milk soaps and lotions for sale as she has done for the last seven years. I encourage you to visit her website to see and purchase her wonderful products.

GoatCamp™ will be held in 2016 during the week of October 24-27 2016. You can sign up now on the GoatCamp™ page at My thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this 14th year of GoatCamp™ so successful. If my current ranch has been sold by then, then GoatCamp™ will be held at the new ranch currently under construction northwest of Austin, Texas. Wherever the goats, dogs, and I are, that is where GoatCamp™ will be held. See you in 2016.

Suzanne W. Gasparotto, Onion Creek Ranch, Texas 11/9/15

Pics around Onion Creek Ranch during GoatCamp™ 2015


Pat Cotten demonstrating to GoatCamp™ students how to stomach tube a goat.




Pat Cotten of Bending Tree Ranch in Arkansas speaking to the class.


Dr. Miller examining fecal
slide under microscope


Dr. Jim Miller, Parasitologist,
Louisiana State University

Kent Mills, Livestock Nutritionist,
HiPro Feeds





TexMaster™ buck born mid-2014 for sale



Contact Suzanne Gasparotto at
325-344-5775 for prices and availability.

Tennessee Meat Goats™ and TexMasters™ are the cream of the meat goat industry. Contact us for availability, ages and pricing by calling 325-344-5775 or emailing

Tennessee Meat Goat™ bucks born April-June 2014 for sale




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All information and photos copyright © Onion Creek Ranch and may not be used without express written permission of Onion Creek Ranch. TENNESSEE MEAT GOAT ™ and TEXMASTER™ are Trademarks of Onion Creek Ranch . All artwork and graphics © DTP, Ink and Onion Creek Ranch.Webhosting by Khimaira
