Onion Creek Ranch, Lohn, Texas
Suzanne W. Gasparotto, Onion Creek Ranch, Lohn, TX
Lohn, Texas
Onion Creek Ranch "Chevon, cabrito, goat... No matter what you call it, it is the HEALTHY red meat™
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All antibiotics that we use with goats require vet precription as of June 2023, regardless of method of application (oral, injectible, teat infusions, feed based, or dissolved in water).   So far vaccines do not require vet script.

Goats are a minor ruminant species.  In 1990, when I began raising goats, there were 12 million goats in the USA.   As of 2013, per the USDA, there were only 1.9 million goats, and the numbers have declined since then, primarily because goats are difficult to raise. Goats are  a minor ruminant species,  so very few medications are made for them.   Drug development, testing, and approval costs seldom justify focusing on such small numbers.

Almost all of the  medications we use to treat goats, prescription or over the counter, are "off label" or "extra label" usage.    Lack of government approval does not mean that such products are dangerous or ineffective with goats.   It means that drug manufacturers have chosen not to spent the many dollars required to get government approval to market for usage with goats.  You as a goat raiser must learn which to use and how to use them, including learning the goat-appropriate dosage for this off-label usage.

Most veterinarians know little to nothing about goats. You just locate and rely  on knowledgeable breeders  for the help they need to raise healthy goats. Find yourself a knowledgeable mentor and  stick with that person until you decide the information is incorrect.    There is much bad information about goats on the Internet, especially on social media.

I am NOT a vet. I have been raising goats since January 1990, and in all those years I have met only two vets who knew anything about goats.   Use the information in this article at your own risk and only after you have consulted with a qualified goat veterinarian. (You will have to search diligently to find one.)

I have a consultation service that involves talking with the goat raiser, finding out about management and health issues, and advising what I would do in similar circumstances if the goat was under my care.  If you are interested, details are available in MeatGoatMania and on the Articles page of www.tennesseemeatgoats.com.  Or contact me at onioncrk@centex.net.

Contrary to popular belief, goats are  fragile creatures.  All prey-prone  species with short gestation and multiple births are going to experience  high  mortality.  When a goat  gets sick, it requires IMMEDIATE  attention.    It is going to die quickly if you don't  take fast  action.   This requires both a knowledge of goat health and having appropriate supplies and medications ON HAND.  You won't find what you need locally when you need it fast.   All antibiotics require a prescription.  You MUST develop a relationship with a local veterinarian so that you can buy what you need and have them on hand IN ADVANCE.

Medications are presented in alphabetical order; some of the medications are interchangeable with others, i.e. they provide similar treatment benefits but are offered because specific products may not be available in all areas. I have not addressed meat or milk withdrawal timeframes. Some of the products may not be approved for use in food animals; Gentamycin and Baytril 100   are restricted from usage in food animals in certain species and jurisdictions. Check with your local vet to find out what you can legally use with his approval.

The products listed below and comments about them are based upon my personal experiences or those of vets with whom I have had a working relationship. Jeffers 1-800-533-3377 www.jefferspet.com carries most of these non-prescription items. Jeffers now offers a prescription service if your vet  is unable to obtain the products  you need.

In December 2016, antibiotics  were  prohibited as feed additives. All sulfa-based products are subject to VFD (Veterinarian Feed Directive) which means prescription-only usage.  Animal health businesses have restructured  to sell antibiotics only to  veterinarians.  Penicillin and all other antibiotics, including teat-infusion medications,  became   prescription items  in June 2023.

A comment about antibiotics: Due to the goat's very fast metabolism, antibiotics (whether given orally or injectably) must be given for five consecutive days.  These one- time injections do NOT work with goats.   Some vets and some goat raisers refuse to believe this and goats die.


A-180 (danofloxacin) - Vet prescription. Injectable respiratory antibiotic. Neither I nor my vet like this product's use with goats. Nuflor Gold and Excenel RTU have worked better for us.

Albadry Plus - Teat infusion medication containing procaine penicillin and novobiocin sodium for treating mastitis in non-lactating goats and drying up lactating goats. Can be used topically on staph infections. Best to have the udder's contents tested to find out which organism is causing the infection so you can choose best intra-mammary antibiotic. Vet script.

Albon (Sulfadimethoxine 12.5% or its generic equivalent DiMethox 12.5%) - Vet prescription.  These products are the drug of choice for preventing and treating Coccidiosis. Give orally undiluted to kids at a rate of 3-5cc and to adults at a rate of 5-10cc for five consecutive days. Mixing with drinking water as directed on the label is another option, but I recommend AGAINST  it. Sick goats should be treated individually with oral dosing for five consecutive days. The gallon jug is the most cost-effective purchase. Will not work with automatic waterers due to continual dilution of the product.

Albon 40% Injectable - Vet prescription.   Dosed orally to treat coccidiosis. 1.56 cc given orally on first day per 25 pounds bodyweight; days 2-5, dose at .78 cc per 25 pounds bodyweight. Mix with Nutri-Drench or similar product for palatability.

Alushield - Aluminum-based water-resistant aerosol bandage spray   for topical use only.

Ammonium Chloride - Given orally to prevent/control/cure urinary calculi.  See my article on the Articles page of www.tennesseemeatgoats.com to learn how to use Ammonium Chloride powder both preventatively and curatively.

Banamine (FluMeglumine) - Vet prescription.    Anti-inflammatory that helps reduce fever, soothes irritation in the gastro-intestinal tract (gut) when diarrhea or other gut-related digestive illnesses occur, relieves pain and soreness associated with animal bites and other injuries. Use no more frequently than every 12 hours (stomach ulcers are possible) unless goat is dying, justifying the risk. Dosage is 1 cc per 100 lbs. body weight IM or SQ. A newborn kid with fever at Onion Creek Ranch would receive an injection of no more than 1/10 cc IM. Keeps best in hot climates when refrigerated. Must-have medication; never run out.   Buy the generic version (cheaper).

Baycox - Coccidiosis treatment.  See Toltrazuril for cost-effective alternative.

Baytril 100 (Enrofloxacin 100 mg/ml) - Vet prescription. (not  Baytril 2.27%). Usage in goats is "off-label" or "extra-label," but this antibiotic is being used in goats by some veterinarians. The appropriate IM dosage is 4 cc's per 100 lbs. of body weight for five consecutive days. This medication is very effective against gut-related illnesses and works synergistically (better together than individually) with SMZ (sulfadimethoxazine with trimethoprim). Some jurisdictions prohibit use of Baytril or Baytril 100 in any form (injectable or tablets) in food-production animals because the withdrawal time from meat and milk has not been determined. Great for treating Joint Ill when no other antibiotic works. If you have a sick goat on which no other antibiotic is working, Baytril 100 is the drug of last resort. Do not use without vet approval and supervision.

Beet Pulp, Shredded - While this isn't a medication, I mention it because it is useful but sometimes  misused. I use shredded beet pulp to add fiber to the rumen of old goats whose teeth have begun to wear. This is in addition to their normal feed, not in place of it. Beet pulp has no nutritional value.

Benadryl  - Over-the-counter liquid antihistamine.  Great for clearing nasal congestion caused by allergies or allergic reactions.   I buy liquid Benadryl and follow child and adult dosage amounts on the bottle.

Biosol (Neomycin Sulfate) - Vet prescription.   Sulfa-based antibiotic for use  with scouring kids and adults when Coccidiosis is not the underlying illness. Works effectively against E.Coli and other digestive-system bacterial infections. For kids, give 3 cc orally every 12 hours until diarrhea has stopped and feces is normal. For adult goats, use 5 cc to 10 cc orally and as directed for usage in kids. Do not overdose; constipation can result. Do not stop diarrhea until you know its cause. Sometimes diarrhea is the body's way of eliminating toxins.

Black Oil Sunflower Seeds (BOSS) - Another non-medication, it is useful to add fat to the diet of thin and/or old goats. BOSS is 25% fat.     Lightly top-dress feed with BOSS.  Most goats don't need this extra fat.  Use sparingly.

BoSe (not MuSe) - Vet prescription. (A horse product, MuSe is too strong and should not be used with goats.) Injectable medication for selenium deficiency (white muscle disease, aka nutritional muscular dystrophy). Since selenium deficiency exists at different levels throughout the United States, it is critical to follow your goat nutritionist's directions on the usage of these products, as well as offering supplemental loose minerals containing selenium. Google "selenium deficiency" to see the general locations in the USA.   Selenium deficiency usually shows itself in the form of weak rear legs in kids. Older goats don't put on weight, have weak legs, and generally stay in poor condition and poor health. Selenium is toxic at low dosages, and the dosing margin of safety is narrow. The addition of selenium to feed is controlled by US law. In some areas, producers only need to provide loose minerals containing selenium. In other regions, selenium injections are necessary. When BoSe injections are required, they are usually given at birth and again at one month of age (one-half cc  SQ). Pregnant does receive injections  six weeks before kidding, and bucks are vaccinated twice a year. Adult dosage of BoSe is 2-1/2 cc per 100 lbs bodyweight given SQ.

C&D Anti-toxin - Over-the-counter made-for-goats product that can be safely used for many problems when they already exist. Severe diarrhea in very young kids, toxicity caused by plants, poisons (bites, overeating disease, bloat, ruminal acidosis, and ingestion of toxic substances like azaleas and antifreeze are several examples), one of the products administered to combat Floppy Kid Syndrome . . . these are a few of the applications of this very versatile product. C&D Anti-toxin provides short-term protection (about 12 hours) but works quickly towards solving the immediate problem. Follow label directions. Must be refrigerated. Freezes at very high temperatures. C&D Anti-toxin negates any protection previously given by the CD/T vaccine, so you must wait for at least five days after completion of C&D Anti-toxin therapy and re-vaccinate the animal with the initial CD/T vaccine injection plus the booster 30 days thereafter. Must-have medication.  There is no substitute.

CD/T vaccine (Clostridium Perfringens Types C&D + Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine) - Over-the-counter made-for-goats VACCINE  that provides long-term protection against overeating disease (types C&D) and tetanus. Kids of one to three months of age and all newly-purchased animals regardless of age should be vaccinated with 2 cc and then a second vaccination should be given 30 days later. Two injections 30 days apart are required in order to provide long-term protection. Annually thereafter, one injection of 2 cc per goat will renew the protection. Give SQ. It may cause an injection-site reaction called a granuloma,  which is an indication of the body's positive reaction to the vaccine. The granuloma  goes away in time.

Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL) vaccine - Introduced in May 2012 by Texas Vet Lab of San Angelo, Texas.    This very-effective  vaccine was removed from the market by the manufacturer in May 2021 because goat raisers wouldn't spend the money to buy it.  It is gone forever. NOTE: The sheep vaccine for CL (CaseBac) does not work with goats.

Chondroprotec - A skin regrowing medication. Prescription.  Applied topically. The January 2013 issue of MeatGoatMania has an article and pictures of this amazing product.

CMPK or MFO -  Over-the-counter oral solution of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and dextrose.  Used with hypocalcemia (milk fever), grass tetany, and to introduce cervical dilation in pregnant does.

Colostrum Replacers & Supplements - Do not confuse these two types of products. Newborns must have colostrum during the first hours after birth. If the dam is colostrum deficient, you must use a colostrum replacer. The best colostrum replacer is colostrum saved (and frozen) from does on your property who have already kidded. This colostrum will have antibodies that provide the kids needed immunity to the organisms existing in your  location. If you don't have a supply of frozen colostrum, then you must use a commercially-prepared goat colostrum replacer (*not* "supplement"). Do not use colostrum or colostrum replacer beyond the first 48 hours of the kid's life. Switch to goat milk or goat milk replacer. Colostrum has already done its job for the newborn after 48 hours and the kid's body can better digest goat milk.

CoRid (amprollium) - Over-the-counter product for preventing and treating coccidiosis. Comes in granular packets and gallon liquid.   This product is a thiamine inhibitor, so I prefer  other coccidia medications.   When using CoRid,   dose with thiamine  (Vitamin B1)   at 4 cc per 100 lbs bodyweight given IM or SQ.      Albon or its generic equivalent Sulfadimethoxine 12.5% (Dimethox 12.5%) is preferred over CoRid. If you must use CoRid, buy the gallon liquid and maintain better control over dosages. Follow bottle directions for preventative and curative dosages.   If you cannot avoid putting CoRid in water,  limit the goats' water supply to one source and treat for five consecutive days.  Automatic waterers cannot be used with dosing because they are constantly refilling, thereby diluting dosages.   Daily individual dosing into each goat's mouth is much better than using in water.

Dewormers, Feed-based - Feed-based dewormers are  not effective. Dewormers are dosed based on the goat's bodyweight; there is no accurate way to do this with feed-based dewormers.    The goat needing the dewormer the worst will also be the least aggressive goat who will get less feed, therefore a lower ( or none) dosage of the feed-based dewormer. Unless you can control the precise amount of feed that each goat receives, do not use  feed-based dewormers.

Dewormers - There are multiple classes of dewormers. Some still kill stomach worms; many are no longer effective. Generally speaking, the white-colored dewormers (Safeguard/Panacur and Valbazen) no longer kill stomach worms in much of the USA.   All dewormers should be given ORALLY,  regardless of package directions. See my article on Deworming & Vaccination Schedules on the Articles page at www.tennesseemeatgoats.com.

Dexamethasone - Vet prescription. Cortico-steroid. Use sparingly and under the direction of a vet. Dex can have bad side effects. Used for swelling and inflammation after infection is under control. Do not use if broken bones exist; Dex interferes with bone repair.  Causes abortions in pregnant does.  Sometimes used  to induce labor in pregnant does when the slow introduction of labor over a 48-to-72 hour period is desired (pregnancy diseases like Pregnancy Toxemia & Ketosis). Dex interferes with the functioning of the goat's immune system. Usage of this drug must be tapered off slowly.   Reducing the dosage each day for 5 to  7  consecutive days is normal protocol.  Dosage varies depending upon the problem being treated.

Dextrose Solution (50%) - This over-the-counter IV product in a bottle is used orally with weak newborns by slowly dropping one or two cc in the mouth and under the tongue for quick energy. Can be mixed half and half with water and offered short-term to weak goats or kids who are either having trouble digesting milk or have overeaten on milk (Floppy Kid Syndrome) and need to be taken off milk for several days until the toxicity caused by undigested milk has been successfully eliminated.

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) - Although this product is being used by some producers as a "natural" dewormer, DE does NOT  kill internal parasites (worms).  Every controlled test done to determine efficacy of this product in killing internal parasites (worms) in goats has failed. It is somewhat effective on external parasites like flies. If  you insist on using DE  as a food additive, make certain that "food-grade" DE is purchased and use DE in conjunction with an ethical (commercially-produced) deworming product.   There is no such thing as a "natural dewormer" for goats.

Dopram V - Vet prescription.    Eliminates respiratory distress in newborns caused by difficult births, including C-sections. Drop 2/10 cc under kid's tongue immediately after  birth to stimulate lung activity. Also use on "pulled" kids since the normal squeezing of the body during the delivery process is altered.  A must-have medication.

Draxxin (tulothromycin) - Vet prescription. Injectable respiratory antibiotic. Expensive product that purports to be a one-time-only usage antibiotic. Because goats have the fastest metabolism of all ruminants, they need to be dosed daily with antibiotics for five consecutive days. Nuflor Gold and Excenel RTU given daily for five days work well and are far less expensive.

Dyne - Over-the-counter oral high-calorie food supplement for animals off feed or needing quick energy. Must-have product.

Electrolytes, Oral (Bounce Back, ReSorb, or equivalent) Over-the-counter products packaged in powered form   for rehydrating sick animals, regardless of age. Can be used as an oral drench, put into baby bottles,   or mixed in drinking water. Can be used in conjunction with Lactated Ringers Solution on dehydrated kids or adults. Store in a cool, dry place.  A must-have product.

Entrolyte- This terrific product was pulled by Pfizer in January 2008 and will never come back on the market. It was an over-the-counter oral nutrient product for both rehydrating and providing nutrition to ruminants that were not ruminating or off-feed. Contained 13.4% protein in addition to electrolytes. No comparable replacement product is on the market, to my knowledge. Best alternative: Mix enough powered kid milk replacer to make an 8 oz bottle and combine with half-gallon of electrolytes.

Epinephrine - Vet prescription. Used to treat Shock. Always have it on hand when giving injections. Shock must be treated within seconds or the goat will die. Dosage is 1 cc  per 100 pounds body weight given IM.   Must-have item.

Excenel RTU - Prescription injectable antibiotic. Ready-to-use equivalent of Naxcel. Effective against respiratory and urinary tract infections. Dose daily at 6 cc per 100 lbs bodyweight. Day One: dose twice 12 hours apart. Days 2 through 5: dose once daily. Give IM or SQ.

Ferrodex iron injectable - Over-the-counter Injectable iron supplement for treating anemia. Since no one knows exactly how much iron is toxic to goats, I prefer dosing with Red Cell orally.

Fleet's Enema or generic equivalent - Over-the-counter product that is useful for constipation and toxicity reactions to clean out the intestinal tract. Occasionally a  doeling is born with her vagina turned inside out.  Use a children's Fleet's enema to move her bowels for the first time ("pass her plug") and the vagina will return to its proper position. Make sure to put the enema into the rectal opening -- not the vagina.

Formalin (10% buffered formaldehyde) - Classified as a disinfectant, this product works well when injected into CL abscesses and also is very effective in treating hoof rot/hoof scald.  Since the CL vaccine for goats was taken off the market in May 2021, you may want to use 10% buffered Formalin to manage/control CL abscesses.  I have a detailed article on how to use 10% buffered Formalin with CL abscesses ONLY (do not use with other types of abscesses) on the Articles page at www.tennesseemeatgoats.com.   An effective alternative to using Formalin is to lance and remove the pus, then flush with iodine before using 10% buffered Formalin.  Have the pus tested by Bob Glass of Pan American Vet Lab in Texas.  Call Bob at 512-964-3927.

Fortified Vitamin B Complex - Over-the-counter product. This product can be used instead of Thiamine since it has 100 mg/ml thiamine in it. Products without "fortified" in the label have inadequate levels of thiamine. All B vitamins are water soluble; a healthy rumen produces B vitamins daily. Dosage is 4 cc per 100 pounds bodyweight.

Gentamycin Sulfate - Injectable prescription antibiotic. Not authorized for use in all jurisdictions in food animals.  Your vet can authorize its use.   Works when used in conjunction with penicillin in the treatment of post-birthing infections and other bacterial infections. Mixed in equal parts with Dexamethazone and Sterile Water, the resulting product is a very effective eye spray for treating Pinkeye. Do not use on ulcerated eyes.

Gentosin Spray - Topical prescription spray useful in treating Pinkeye in non-ulcerated eyes. See Gentamycin Sulfate for details.

Goat NutriDrench - Oral quick energy supplement for stressed and/or off-feed goats. Contains many of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that a sick goat requires to survive its illness.

Granulex - Topical spray for removing dead & dying skin. Vet prescription.

Hoof Rot Vaccines - Volar & Fusoguard are hoof-rot prevention vaccines for other species.   Goat producers have told me that these vaccines don't work well with goats.

Immodium AD - Do not   use this anti-diarrheal with goats. It can stop the peristaltic action of the gut, causing  death.

Ivomec 1% injectable dewormer or generic equivalent Ivermectin - Over-the-counter product for eliminating stomach worms. This clear liquid works best if used orally at a rate of 1 cc per 20 pounds body weight. Do not under-dose. Store at cool temperature and keep out of sunlight.   Also used in treatment of Meningeal Deerworm Infection. Clear dewormers do not kill tapeworms. Ivermectin 1% is one of several dewormers used to kill stomach worms. All dewormers should be given orally to goats.   Before deworming, DO FECAL COUNTS FIRST.

LA 200, Maxim 200, Biomycin (oxytetracyline 200 mg/ml) Vet script.    Thick (use an 18 gauge needle and give SQ over the ribs) and may sting. Oxytretracycline 200 mg/ml must be used to treat abortion "storms." No vaccines are available to treat abortion diseases and no off-label vaccines are effective in preventing abortion diseases in goats.  The sheep vaccine for abortions does not work with goats.   Also used to treat Pinkeye, even in pregnant does, because  an abortion organism can cause one strain of Pinkeye. Used  SQ and IM  and topically (in non-ulcerated eyes) for Pinkeye. Sometimes effective in treating hoof rot/hoof scald infections. Dosage for goats is 1 cc per 20 lbs. body weight SQ daily for a minimum of five consecutive days.  Oxytetracycline 200 mg/ml is sold under several brand names; check the content label for correct 200 mg/ml strength.    There are versions that are 300 mg/ml and labeled as single-use.  I don't use it.  I always use  antibiotics for five consecutive days.

Lactated Ringers Solution - Vet prescription. For rehydrating kids and young goats. Comes in IV bag but I  use SQ. Using a 60 cc syringe with an 18 gauge needle attached, draw up LRS, warm in a pot of water, check temperature as you would a bottle of milk for proper heat, and slowly  inject 30 cc under the skin (SQ) at each shoulder to treat hypothermic newborns.   Can be used several times a day until the goat's electrolytes are in balance. Will be absorbed by the goat's body very quickly if dehydration is present. Can be used in conjunction with oral electrolytes (BounceBack/ReSorb or equivalent). Refrigerate  when storing or strange things will grow inside the bag.  Must-have item.

Lime sulphur dip 97.8%.  Used topically for mites and staph infections on the skin.

Lutalyse -- Prescription injectable. Used to cycle does into heat or induce abortion in doe bred you didn't want bred.   Give 2 cc on the seventh (7th) day after observed breeding. Do NOT  repeat.

Marquis - See Toltrazuril for cost-effective alternative for treating Coccidiosis.

Masti-Clear - Procaine-penicillin-based teat infusion for lactating does to treat mastitis.  All teat infusions for mastitis require vet prescription as of June 2023.

Metronidazole.  Brand name Flagyl.  Antibiotic for treating Giardia in goats.

Micotil - Never use Micotil on goats. Cattle antibiotic causes quick heart attack and death.

Milk of Magnesia -- Over-the-counter laxative product that is useful for constipation and toxicity reactions (to move toxic materials from the body), including bloat, ruminal acidosis, overeating disease, and Floppy Kid Syndrome in conjunction with other necessary medications.  Use as oral drench at a rate of 15 cc per 60 lbs. body weight every four to six hours until the feces goes from normal to clumpy then back to normal 'pills.' Always keep the animal hydrated with electrolytes (BounceBack/ReSorb or equivalent) when using Milk of Magnesia or other laxatives. Useful with mastitis by increasing magnesium levels in goat's body. Must have item.

Multi Min 90 - Vet prescription. Cobalt-blue colored injectable liquid for  goats suffering from severe mineral deficiencies. Chelated (slow release) combination of  zinc, manganese, selenium, and copper.   Helps with weak labor contractions. This medication builds up in fatty tissues, so use sparingly.   Very helpful to older goats whose bodies are no longer processing minerals efficiently.   Dose SQ only.

Mineral Oil - Over-the-counter laxative product. Because mineral oil has no taste, the goat does not recognize mineral oil as a substance to be swallowed and can aspirate it into the lungs. Must be stomach tubed. If stomach tube is not  available, mix mineral oil with Goat Nutridrench or  Karo syrup to add flavor  and slowly orally drench the goat.

Molasses/Karo Syrup - Use orally with kids when quick energy is needed. See my article on Weak Kids on my website. Can be substituted for propylene glycol with ketotic does.

Kopertox - Over-the-counter product for hoof rot and hoof scald. Blue-green liquid for topical application as a "liquid bandage." Use with Oxytetracycline 200 mg/ml injections.

Nasalgen IP - Intra-nasal vaccine of short duration.  Use to prevent shipping fever.

Naxcel (ceftiofur sodium) - Vet prescription. Broad-spectrum antibiotic used for respiratory illnesses (pneumonia). Comes in two bottles: One bottle contains a powder which must be kept refrigerated even in powder form, and the other bottle is sterile water. When the two are mixed, they keep for only seven days.

Newborn kids with respiratory distress or E.Coli infections need a minimum dosage IM of 1/2 cc daily for five consecutive days. A 100 pound goat needs at least 5-6 cc of Naxcel IM over the five-day course of treatment. I no longer use Naxcel but instead use Excenel RTU, the ready-to-use equivalent product that doesn't require refrigeration or mixing, or Nuflor Gold.

Niacin (Vitamin B3) - Give 1000 mg daily orally (crushed and dissolved) to does having weak labor contractions until kidding occurs.

Nolvasan - Bolus used inside uterus after difficult delivery to prevent metritis or vaginitis.

Nuflor Gold (florfenicol) - Vet prescription. My preferred antibiotic for respiratory problems, including pneumonia. Can also be used try to keep mastitis from becoming systemic. I tend to use Nuflor on adults and Excenel RTU on kids, but they are interchangeable. This is a thick liquid, so use Luer Lock syringes, or the needle may blow off the syringe. Dosage is 6 cc per 100 lbs bodyweight given IM for five consecutive days; newborn kids should receive no less than 1/2 cc.

NuStock (Pierce's or Riggins All Purpose NuStock) - Over the counter topical ointment of sulfur, pine oil, and mineral oil in 12 oz tube.  Great for treating mites, lice, mange, wounds, cuts, ringworm, and flea "hot spots."   Sulfa based. Steroid free.  Must have item.

Oxytocin - Vet prescription. Used when a doe has not passed her afterbirth within 24-36 hours of kidding. Dosage is 1-1/2 cc per 100 lbs. body weight IM or SQ.

Penicillin, Benzathine (long-acting penicillin) - Vet script.     Dosage is 5 cc per 100 lbs. body weight SQ for five consecutive days. Must be refrigerated. Do NOT use this type of penicillin if Listeriosis or Goat Polio is suspected. I don't keep this penicillin in stock any longer.

Penicillin, Procaine (300,000 IU) - Procaine Penicillin must be used in double the normal dosage  in conjunction with Thiamine (Vitamin B1) in the treatment of Listeriosis and Goat Polio. At normal 5 cc per 100 lb dosing, it is also  used to treat infection resulting from injuries, bites, and after difficult birthings. Prescription required.  Must be refrigerated. Always have lots of this product on hand.

Peppermint Oil Cream (Cai-Pan) - Topical application for congested and/or mastitic udders.

Pepto Bismol (pink bismuth) - Over-the-counter product to help with irritation/distress caused by diarrhea in both kids and adults.     Before using Pepto-Bismol when diarrhea is present, first determine the cause of the problem.  Diarrhea is a symptom of many problems, not an illness in itself; its presence can be helpful in instances like overeating disease.  Use up to 2 cc every four to six hours for newborns; 5 cc for kids approaching one month old; as much as 10 to 15 cc for adults.

Pirsue - Vet prescription mastitis medication. Expensive but excellent product.

Pneumonia Vaccines: Presponse HM and Poly Bac Somnus - Both vaccines are newer than and provide better protection against pneumonia than the Colorado Serum product mentioned below; they are also more expensive. I use Presponse HM and the dosage is 1 cc for goats under 60 lbs and 2 cc for goats over 60 lbs, with a two injections  21  to 30 days apart the first time and annually thereafter. The extra cost is reduced by the lesser amount of vaccine needed for the 60 lb & under goats. If pneumonia is a problem in your herd, use these newer products.

Pneumonia Vaccine (Mannheimia Haemolytica Pasteurella Multocide Bacterin) - Over-the-counter injectable pneumonia vaccine by Colorado Serum. This is a very old vaccine made for goats and  it isn't very effective.

Polyserum or Bovi Sera - Over-the-counter injectable immune system boosters. Give SQ. Use with any ill or unthrifty goat. Give to young kids that did not receive adequate colostrum.

Primor (Sulfadimethoxine & Ormetoprim in 5:1 ratio)- Vet prescription. Oral sulfa-based antibiotic. Tablets sized by weight of animal for gut-related infections, including Coccidiosis. Tablets are scored by animal weight for easy dosing. Primor 120 is for 5-15 lb goats; Primor 240, 10-30 lb goats; Primor 600, 25-50 lb goats; and Primor 1200, 50-100 lb goats. Give two times the appropriate weight's dosage the first day, and then dose to the goat's weight for the next 9 consecutive days.

Probiotics, Oral - Over-the-counter oral ruminant gel which should be used after the completion of antibiotic therapy, treatment for diarrhea (scours), and daily when goats are in shipment. Helps lessen stress and settle the stomach. Keep refrigerated in warm climates.

Proplyene Glycol - Over-the-counter liquid for ketosis in does. Provides quick energy. Comes in one-gallon jugs. Use 50-60 cc orally very slowly twice a day for an average-sized adult doe until she begins eating. Mix with Goat Nutri Drench or Karo syrup  so the goat can taste it and know to swallow. If this product is not available, use molasses or Karo syrup. Freezes at temperatures well above 32*F, so store indoors under controlled temperature.

Rally or Recovr - Injectable antihistamine for toxicity problems. Vet prescription.

Red Cell - Over-the-counter flavored oral iron supplement made for horses. Dosage is 4 cc orally given daily for at least 30 days. Use in treating anemia to rebuild red blood cells.

Resflor Gold - Prescription antibiotic that also contains  Banamine.  Resflor Gold supposedly has a long-acting effect, reducing required number of injections.    However, goats MUST have antibiotics daily for 5 consecutive days because of fast metabolism.  I use Nuflor Gold instead and use Banamine if fever or inflammation is present.

Robitussin DM  -  Over-the-counter oral medication for humans that helps with chest congestion, even when caused by onset pneumonia, with goats.  MUST be used in conjunction with appropriate injectable antibiotic like Nuflor Gold or Excenel RTU.

Safeguard (Panacur) dewormer - White-colored dewormer. No longer kills stomach worms in most of USA. Used to kill tapeworms. Also used to treat Meningeal Deerworm infection.

Spectoguard ScourChek  - If still available, this prescription  sulfa-based antibiotic product to control diarrhea in kids. Usage with adult goats may stop the peristaltic action of the gut. Follow label directions when dosing this pinkish-red liquid into the goat's mouth.  Do NOT stop scouring until you figure out the cause;  diarrhea can be  helpful in eliminating toxins.

Sterile Water - Vet prescription. Used in mixing medications.

Sulfadimethoxazine with Trimethoprim (SMZ) - Sulfa-based oral prescription antibiotic. Available in liquid and tablets. I use liquid SMZ with kids and the big easily-dissolved tablets with adults.   Tablet dosage is 1 tablet per 20 lbs bodyweight (5 tablets per 100 lbs).  Use to treat watery diarrhea and other gut-related illnesses. Used with Baytril 100, SMZ is synergistic (better than by itself) in treating E Coli and other difficult to cure infections. Excellent product.  Must have in your medicine chest.

Synergized DeLice or generic equivalent - Over-the-counter product. This permethrin-based oily liquid should be applied topically along the backbone from base of neck to base of tail. (This back drench works on goats because external parasites are the target; back drenches don't work for treating internal parasites like stomach worms.)

Follow the directions carefully, and do not use on kids under 3 months of age and pregnant does. Topical back drench dosage should never exceed 3 ounces on the biggest and heaviest of goats. I recycle a permanent wave squeeze bottle with applicator tip to apply this product. The bottle tip is just the right size.

For kids under three months of age and pregnant does, use a kitten-safe or puppy-safe powdered flea control product or carefully apply 5% Sevin dust. These products contain pyrethrins, which are much safer for very young animals. Cylence is a comparable topical product used to kill lice on adult goats.

Tagamet (cimetidine) - Over-the-counter product for gut-related pain resulting from illnesses like coccidiosis. Dosage is one half of a Tagamet HR200 (200 mg) for 3-5 days.

Terramycin - Vet script.  Opthalmic ointment used to treat Pinkeye, especially  in ulcerated eyes.

Tetanus Anti-toxin- Over-the-counter product for immediate and short-term protection against tetanus (lockjaw) when the problem exists. Tetanus is fatal if not promptly treated. Comes in single-dose 1500 unit vials; use the entire 1500 unit vial IM for adults; use half the 1500 unit vial for kids. No sooner than five days after this medication is last used, you must re-vaccinate with tetanus toxoid or CD/T (the complete two-injection series given 30 days apart) to reinstate long-term protection. Keep refrigerated.

Theodur - Vet prescription. Used to clear air passages when bronchitis exists. Precise dosage is not known for goats, but I have, under vet direction and supervision, used 1/2 tablet per day on a 15-20 pound kid. Theodur suppresses the appetite; you  must make sure that the animal is kept hydrated.

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) - Vet prescription.   Strength must be 100 mg/ml.   Used with any goat that is off-feed. Also used to treat goat polio and listeriosis. Dosage is 4 cc per 100 pounds bodyweight up to three times per day  SQ.

Thrush Buster - Topical product to treat and prevent hoof scald (between toes).

ToDay (cephapirin sodium)- Vet script.  Teat-infusion  treatment in lactating does. Milk out the udder and infuse one tube of To-Day into each teat for three to five consecutive days. Use the alcohol wipe provided to clean the teat thoroughly before infusing medication to avoid introducing new bacteria into an already-infected udder.

Toltrazuril - This is a close "relative" of the  expensive Marquis and Baycox for treating Coccidiosis. I have never used it but am told by several goat producers that they find  it  effective.   It is a one-time oral dosage of 1 cc per 5 lbs bodyweight preventative and 1 cc per 3 lbs bodyweight curative treatment.    OTC product available at www.horseprerace.com.

 ToMorrow (cephapirin benzathine)- Vet script.  Treatment for mastitis in dry does.

Triple Antibiotic Opthalmic Ointment - Vet prescription. Use topically to treat Pinkeye, particularly in ulcerated eyes.

Tylan 200 (tylosin) - Vet script antibiotic for respiratory problems. 1 cc per 25 lbs. body weight for five consecutive days intramuscularly (IM).  The prescription products Nuflor Gold and Excenel RTU are far more effective than Tylan 200. I don't use this product.

Universal Animal Antidote Gel - Give orally when toxicity is suspected or diagnosed.

Valbazen - Over-the-counter white-colored dewormer. Can cause abortions in pregnant does if used in first trimester of pregnancy. Best not to use with pregnant does.  Kills tapeworms; does NOT kill stomach worms.  Dosage is 1 cc per 25 lbs. bodyweight given orally.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - Vet prescription. See Thiamine for uses and dosages.

Vitamin B-12 - Vet prescription. This red-colored injectable liquid is essential for use with goats who are anemic.   Stimulates appetite. Administer 4 cc per 100 lbs. body weight SQ.

Wound Care Clay - Terrific over the counter product used to protect wounds.   Molds to fit animal's body.  Curicyn is one of several brands. Available in jars and individual packets.

All medications should be stored inside in a temperature-controlled environment away from sunlight.   Some medications also require refrigeration.

This listing is not comprehensive, but is a good overview of medications available for goat health problems. I am NOT a vet. I do NOT encourage anyone to use these products and/or dosages without supervision and direction of a veterinarian. I encourage goat producers to find a qualified goat vet and develop a working relationship with that professional.

This is what has worked for me with my goats. Many variables can affect the usefulness of this information, some of which may include breed, sex, age, nutritional and reproductive status of the goat, climatic conditions and general cleanliness under which the goats live, knowledge and skills possessed by the goat producer, and a host of other items. Consider this listing to be a guide.   Remember, what works for me may NOT work for you in your goat-production operation.

Suzanne W. Gasparotto, ONION CREEK RANCH, Texas Revised   11.1.24

Meat Goat Mania

Important! Please Read This Notice!

All information provided in these articles is based either on personal experience or information provided by others whose treatments and practices have been discussed fully with a vet for accuracy and effectiveness before passing them on to readers.

In all cases, it is your responsibility to obtain veterinary services and advice before using any of the information provided in these articles. Suzanne Gasparotto is not a veterinarian.Neither tennesseemeatgoats.com nor any of the contributors to this website will be held responsible for the use of any information contained herein.

The author, Suzanne Gasparotto, hereby grants to local goat publications and club newsletters, permission to reprint articles published on the Onion Creek Ranch website under these conditions: THE ARTICLE MUST BE REPRODUCED IN ITS ENTIRETY AND THE AUTHOR'S NAME, ADDRESS, AND CONTACT INFORMATION MUST BE INCLUDED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE REPRINT. We would appreciate notification from any clubs or publications when the articles are used. (A copy of the newsletter or publication would also be a welcome addition to our growing library of goat related information!)

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